Annunciata Nunuk Wilson. Photo: Durrmu Arts.
Annunciata Nunuk Wilson, a Ngan’gikurunggurr woman born c.1970, is the eldest daughter of the esteemed artist Regina Pilawuk Wilson. Annunciata paints durrmu (body painting dot) designs in the traditional colours of weaving dyes: deep purples, ochres, black and red. Recently, Annunciata has begun experimenting with sun mat, basket stitch and merrepen leaf designs. One of her sun mat weaving paintings is held in the private collection of Colin and Elizabeth Laverty.
[L-R] Durrmu (LB) in ‘Ripple’ and ‘Lotus’, and Syaw (Fish Net) in ‘Sky’, from the Durrmu Collection. Photo: Martina Gemmola.
Nunuk’s design for our Durrmu Collection is called Syaw (Fish Net) and evokes nets traditionally woven with pinbin (bush vine) by the women and men of Peppimenarti to capture fish and crayfish from fresh water creeks and rivers.
[L-R] Durrmu (KK) in ‘Berry’, Durrmu (LB) in ‘Geo’, and Syaw (Fish Net) in ‘Waterlily’, from the Durrmu Collection. Photo: Martina Gemmola.