Amanda Smith. Photo: Design Within Country.
Amanda Smith began working with Marnin Studio in 2014, learning to dye fabrics with local found materials, carve lino blocks and screen print onto fabrics. In 2017 she was a founding member of Marnin Studio’s Design Within Country (DWC) fashion project, designing a collection of fabrics, garments and jewellery for the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair fashion parade. A Gooniyandi speaker and proud member of the Bayulu Community, Amanda is committed to supporting young girls in her community to build their confidence and teach them the skills she’s learned through her work.
Designs from the Fitzroy Crossing Collection, including Spinifex in ‘Cloud' [curtain]. Photo: Caitlin Mills.
Spinifex by Amanda Smith is from our Fitzroy Crossing Collection and depicts “big mobs of spinifex, on the river and desert side” of the Fitzroy Valley. Growing up in the Kimberley, Amanda was surrounded by these plants.