UV and fabric treatments

UV exposure and fabrics

UV exposure degrades all fabrics and will cause inks to fade over time. Fabrics should be kept out of direct sunlight wherever possible.

Fabrics used for window furnishings (roman blinds, curtains, etc.) should always be backed to reduce the impact of strong UV exposure.

Our High Performance / Outdoor fabric has excellent UV tolerance and is suitable for areas that are exposed to strong UV light such as window seats and outdoor upholstery.


Fabric treatments

Our Indoor Weave fabric is treated with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and water repellent properties. This treatment is PFAS free.

Our High Performance / Outdoor has an innovative Ecoelite Teflon finish that forms a barrier around each fibre, providing superior protection from salt and chlorinated water, mould, stains and UV. This coating is PFAS free.